e-currency do you accept?
We accept
Perfect Money
Payeer USDT(ERC20) USDT(TRC20).
How can I fund my Perfect Money account?
There are
providers where you can sell/buy Perfect Money.
How can I
become your new client?
To become our client, simply click the
Invest button on the main menu and
follow the screen directions. Once you
have made your first deposit, then you
will become one of our official members.
Can I invest via Bank Wire?
Yes, you have the following options:
Fund you Perfect Money account via Wire Transfer using one of the exchangers.
Please check
https://www.perfectmoney.is/business-partners.html for more information.
How long does it take for my deposit
to be confirmed/approved?
Your deposit will be added to our
database and confirmed/approved once
after you make the payment.
Since the
maximum limit is $50,000 per deposit, can
I make several such deposits on one single
No, if you reach the maximum deposit
$50,000 deposits in one day, then you
should wait till the next day to make
further deposits.
Can I make a
deposit by credit card?
Yes, you can easily fund your e-currency account via Credit Card,
you can do it through the exchangers
Who can invest
with your program?
Any individuals all over the world are
welcome to invest with our program, irrespective
of their citizenship or income.
Are multi-spends allowed ?
Yes, you can make as many spends, as you
would like. Each new deposit will be treated
Do you offer any referral bonuses ?
referral program pays 10% of spends made by
persons you refer automatically.
How do I refer others ?
Use this link to be credited with your
referrals automatically,
, U1234567 is your Ecurrency account
Are my
payouts and referral bonuses paid directly into
my e-currency account ?
Yes, you will
receive payouts automatically everyday
into your e-currency account. There is no need
for an online member's account or to take any
action to get paid. We do keep our database
offline for security reasons. Member Areas of
most online programs are not secure and may
consequently be hacked easily.